Friday, September 17, 2010


Film: Aisha (2010)
Language: Hindi
youtube links

Synopsis: Based off of the Jane Austen book Emma, the movie revolves around 20-something socialites in New Delhi. Aisha (Sonam Kapoor) is fixated on helping her gal pals find love all the while being selfish and arrogant in the process. In the end, she finds out that love can't be forced and she should've listened to her friend Arjun to stop meddling in other's lives.

The Good
+ the wardrobe was any fashionista's dream. Alot of designer name dropping and expensive items. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty much in love with most of the stuff. Also, the girls' makeup was gorgeous too (although I found it kind if hilarious with them in full make up in bed!).
+ I enjoyed Aisha's friends: Shefali and Pinky. I don't think those two actresses have been in anything else and they definitely were the best actors in the film.
+ There were a couple catchy songs, which I thought were nice.

The Bad
+ Weak script. I honestly don't know how I sat through this all in 1 sitting, because honestly the movie was slow and boring until maybe the final 30 minutes.
+ Sonam Kapoor. I don't know if it's from all the negative reviews of her from other Bollywood blogs I read rubbing off on me, but her acting is indeed weak. Sometimes she's not expressive enough, other times she delivers her lines flatly. But I guess I can't say it's entirely other people's opinions when I noticed this too during I Hate Luv Storys. Sonam, you're gorgeous, but you definitely need some acting lessons.

Final Thoughts: Was it worth watching? Yes and no. Yes, because it was a fluff film you didn't have to think about and enjoy the costumes, no because 80% of the film was watching spoiled brats doing nothing. I did think it was hilarious during the part of the film where they're camping. I don't see socialites camping, ever, and their tents had actual beds/side tables/lamps! But it did look like the cast had fun together.

Rating: 2.5/5

Favorite Song: Gal Mitthi Mitthi (Maybe because the radio played it often, but I found it quite catchy)

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