Thursday, December 2, 2010

Anjaana Anjaani

title: Anjaana Anjaani (2010)
language: Hindi
online links

synopsis: Akash (Ranbir Kapoor) and Kiara (Priyanka Chopra) have the worst lives ever and decide to commit suicide. Right at the moment Akash is about to jump off a bridge in New York he meets a drunk Kiara getting ready to do the same thing, but both end up getting caught and stopped in their process (him getting hit by a car, and her slipping and falling and hurting her neck). They both wake up and escape the hospital at the same time, and during the process strike up a strange friendship. Giving each other 20 days to spend together fulfilling wishes they had before finally carrying through with their decision to commit suicide.

The Good
+ the music. I downloaded the music before I saw the film, and I was already hooked on it.
+ It doesn't really have anything to do with the movie, but Priyanka Chopra causes the biggest hair envy I've known to exist within me. Her hair is always perfect - I wish I had her hair! It's so thick, nicely styled, looks healthy... ok, I'm done.
+ Ranbir and Priyanka are a cute pair, they had nice chemistry with each other and did look like they had fun together. That being said, they aren't my favorite couple. (I kind of like her and Shahid Kapoor together the best.) I saw them as better friends than potential lovers.
+ I thought the dialogue was funny/witty at times. I loved the bantering between Akash and Kiara.
+ I have an amusement in these films where a character has his/her own little theme song. All my friends remember "Sexy Sam! Sexy Sam!" from KANK, but the fact the CAR HAD IT'S OWN THEME SONG? I nearly fell off my couch laughing.

The Bad
+ Both character's reasons to commit suicide was selfish (but isn't all suicide selfish?). I was kind of angry that it was a little more evident that Kiara needed more help in the psychiatric department, but it was never addressed.
+ More horrible American acting... I don't know if Bollywood tries to find the cheapest white people they can find, but nearly EVERY SINGLE ONE is a horrible, horrible actor. Do Indian audiences notice how awful they are?
+ Bollywood manages to bring out the realist in me. That being said, I wish I was a waitress and living in that swag apartment Kiara had. I mean, really? In New York? That had to be at least $2,000 a month. You really have to suspend disbelief and go with it.

Final Thoughts Was it worth watching? Yes, for something light-hearted-ish and fun. Like I said, if you don't think about how dumb it is for their reasons to commit suicide, and if their lives are OMG SO HORRIBLE, how do people's lives worse than theirs look? Anyway, I wasn't exactly a fan of the storyline, but the silly bantering and their time with the car being stolen was rather entertaining. All that being said, I'm really glad I didn't spend money to see this in the theater, since it ended up being disappointing.

Rating: 3/5... if they had just revamped it as more of a road trip across the US, I think I would've enjoyed it more.

Liz's mini Bollywood rant: I'm getting tired of getting caught up in the hype of films, since it's obvious that nearly all the ones I get hyped up about end up being disappointments (I think Kites and Raavan have been the only two that lived up to the hype in my mind). I'm also getting tired of movie trailers that are better than the films.

For Anjaana Anjaani, I was so pumped after seeing this trailer:

I was totally expecting a fresh juicy drama after seeing this trailer. I remember thinking, "YESSS, this movie is going to be super cute and full of drama". WRONG. But this goes for American films too. Very frequently, the trailer is more awesome than the movie. I think I'm just a sucker for the whole longing/angsty look, or the glazed over 'I'm in love' eyes. I think I just need to see KANK again, since that fits my drama needs.

Favorite Song: This is hard, since I enjoyed all the songs, I Feel Good is a fun upbeat song.

I really should make a blog post of my favorite obligatory dance club dances in all these movies... here's the one for this one. (Love the song and the dancing, but not sure what the whole pants around ankles thing was about)


  1. Good review!

    As soon as I saw the trailer of this one, I knew that I would not be wasting my 10 dollars!

    I am actually tired of the usual "NRI" (non resident indian) movies set in america or britain, especially with an actor who cannot act to save his life.

    Interesting point u brought up when you said that indian movies generally hire horrible white actors....I guess it is for us to have a few laughs.....the very same way, an indian is portrayed in american media with that stupid overdone accent!

    3/5 eh? maybe I should see it then when it comes out on youtube :D !


  2. u liked kites?? OMG, I thought it was one of the worst films ever made..... :D and I even left half way into the film.


  3. I watched it on this website, if you don't mind the english subtitles: This is the user who would upload a bunch of stuff on youtube, but I think he/she/the group were getting tired of things being caught and taken down. I wonder where they get access to such nice quality stuff before released.

    I give most of my films 3/5. Basically to me it means I didn't think the movie was that great, but I did enjoy about 70% of it.

    I've heard alot of griping about NRI-based films on a few other Bollywood-related blogs I read. I can see that can be frustrating, since the storylines are pretty typical. I find them hilarious because a character will continue speaking Hindi with white people around as if they too understand the language.

    I just wish they would screen their white actors better. At least find some people who can act!

    And yes, I'm probably 1 of about 4 people who liked both Kites and Raavan (Hindi version). I may be biased since I saw it in the theater (this applies to both movies) in it's complete glory and might've become star struck, but I was totally drawn into the storyline.

    But I have to say My Name is Khan is 2010's worst film, mostly for all the hype it generated and completely failed to live up to it. If they kept the story it had going the 1st half of the film, maybe it would've been better. But whatever, that's for another day.

  4. Hey, Thanks for the link!

    I have not seen My Name is khan as well; mostly thanks to the negative reviews.
