Saturday, July 17, 2010


Film: Fashion (2008)
Language: Hindi
Streaming on Netflix

Synopsis: The movie itself is about the behind the scenes look of the Indian fashion world and it's dirty secrets (cocaine! alcohol! SEX!). Priyanka Chopra's character is a small town girl wanting to be a model, so she goes to Mumbai to try and make it. LONG story short, she does and drama ensues.

The Good:
+ the movie overall ended up being good. Not fabulous, not OMG CAPSLOCK AMAZING, but good.
+ Priyanka actually acted REALLY well here. I thought her character was very believable. However, I wouldn't consider it award-worthy (it did win her best actress).
+ This is the first Bollywood movie I've seen where the entire story was told in a female's perspective. I've realized everything we've watched is told from the male's perspective, even when the story was suppose to focus on the woman, or they would for her then veer off and go back to him. (I suppose this goes with the fact that India is a male-dominate society?)
+ The other characters were great. There's this one model that goes spiraling down and crazy, and she was great. Very realistic, thus I felt really sorry for her.
+ This movie also talked about some hard topics: drug/alcohol abuse, sex (kind of) and its consequences, and the conservative nature of the country and the differences it has for modeling.
+ Music was good

The Bad:
+ There was a homosexual character that was over the top flaming. I don't know if homosexual Indians really do lisp like some English ones, but this guy was really over the top, even for Bollywood standards. I didn't really like how they portrayed this character.
+ Lack of dancing! Looks like more modern Bollywood films are going to have montages more than actual dancing. I kind of miss that.
+ The subtitles were lol-worthy at times. This movie had the most English I've ever seen spoken (I'd say a good 40% was in English), and the subtitles for the English bits... wow. Really makes me wonder what they're really saying in Hindi, but I guess not enough for us to lose the storyline.

Final Thoughts: Was it worth watching? Yes, I think so. This movie could've been at least 20mins shorter, I think. I thought it was good, but nothing I haven't seen before. Kind of like an American story made with Indian cast. I did find it interesting that they showed a sex scene, granted it was during a song montage and was maybe 10seconds long and nothing beyond kissing the shoulders was really seen, but It still shocked me. Also liked how they covered some topics not seens before (drugs, etc)

Rating: 3/5

Favorite Song: Mar Jawan

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