Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Film: Paa
Language: Hindi
youtube links

Synopsis: Boy & girl meet in college, fall in love, and someone forgets a condom. Girl is preggers, boy tells her to abort the baby, but she aborts him and keeps the baby. Years later, Progeria!Amitabh impresses some political figure with art and becomes popular in the news, causing drama. Drama indeed ensues especially when the truth comes out about political figure and Progeria!Amitabh's momma.

The Good
+ excellent acting by Abhishek & Vidya
+ good storyline/message
+ movie was roughly 2hr10min. It fit the time perfectly and never really dragged too much, at least I felt it didn't.

The Bad
+ a couple awkward moments
+AMITABH OMG, WHO PICKED HIM FOR THIS ROLE!? I hated his character! They should've had a normal kid, or if they really wanted to do the whole Progeria thing, to NOT have picked Amitabh. It was hard to take him seriously when they didn't try manipulating camera angles to actually make him look like a kid. Seriously a 6ft man is hard to take serious towering over these children and stuff.
+ lack of songs

Final Thoughts: Worth the watch? Yes and no. I liked the story & acting, but Amitabh really ruined the film for me. I know I'm being like the worst Bollywood fan ever for saying that, but he really did. They should've casted a real kid in the role.

Rating: 2/5

Favorite Song Mudhi Mudhi Iteffaq Se

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